International Baptist College & Seminary

Secondary Education

Find out what you can do by adding a Secondary Education Emphasis to your Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Teacher Education degree.


About the Secondary Education Emphasis

The Secondary Education Emphasis prepares young men and women to teach students in middle and high school with customized training in one subject area: English Language Arts, History, Math, or Science. Students pursuing this emphasis will take 24 credits in that subject (with the option to minor in a second subject area). The 24 credits may come from general education required classes and electives and education methods electives, which provide not only the academic content knowledge of the subject but also the tools and techniques needed to effectively teach that subject to secondary students.

Your Future

Potential careers you could pursue by earning a Bible and Teacher Education degree with a Secondary Education Empahsis include:

  • Teacher in a public, private, charter or Christian school
  • International Teacher
  • Homeschool Teacher
  • Daycare or Preschool Worker/Administrator

Graduate Studies

Many of our graduates continue their education in the Graduate School and Seminary. We offer degrees in:

Program Requirements

Degree Emphasis
Bible and Theology
General Education
Ministry Preparation
General Electives
Course Hours
ED 141 Exceptional Learners 2
ED 212 Introduction to Education 2
ED 371 Educational Methods and Materials 3
ED 372 Educational Tests and Measurements 3
ED 473 Student Teaching 12
PS 302 Educational Psychology 3
PS 411 Child and Adolescent Psychology 3
Educational Methods Electives:
ED 232 Teaching Language Arts
ED 331 Teaching Reading
ED 342 Reading Assessment and Intervention
ED 252 Teaching Science
ED 341 Teaching Mathematics
ED 332 Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools
ED 422 Teaching English Bible
ED 432 Children’s Literature
ED 451 Teaching History
ED 481 Teaching General Music
ED 482 Christian School Administration
Students wishing to pursue Arizona state certification should plan to take both HI 321 and HI 412.
ED 090 Education Practicum (2 semesters minimum)* 0
ED 096 Education Seminar (4 semesters) 0

*Each Bible and Teacher Education major must participate in at least two ED 090 Education Practicum courses before the Student Teaching semester. 

Course Hours
BI 102 Hermeneutics 2
BI 103 Dispensationalism 2
BI 202 Foundations of New Testament Themes 2
BI 203 Foundations of Old Testament Themes 3
TH 102 Theology of Sin and Salvation 2
TH 111 Theology of the Bible, God, and Man 2
TH 202 Theology of Angels, the Church, and Last Things 3
TH 211 Theology of Jesus and the Holy Spirit 3
TH S0_ Theology Seminar 1
TH S0_ Theology Seminar 1
--- Approved Bible/Theology Electives 10
Course Hours
EN 101 or
EN 103
Introduction to College English or
English Grammar and Composition
EN 102 or
EN 104
College Composition or
English Composition
EN elec Literature Elective 3
HI 101 History of Civilization 1 3
HI 102 History of Civilization 2 3
HI 211 Church History 2
HI 212 Baptist History and Distinctives 2
MA 111 Essential Mathematics* 3
OR 101 College Success 1
PH 201 Introduction to Philosophy 3
SC 201 Fundamentals of Nutrition 3
SP 101 Fundamentals of Speech 3

*Secondary emphasis students whose concentration is not math may take MA 202.

Course Hours
ED 103 Fundamentals of Church Education 1
ED 152 Foundations of Teaching and Learning 1
MI 104 A History of Global Missions 1
PR 114 Personal Evangelism and Discipleship 1
PR 153 Personal Media and the Christian 1
PR 154 Mentoring 1
PS 412 Biblical Counseling 2
Course Hours

At least 13 hours of general elective courses must be completed.

These general electives should help to complete the 24 hours needed in the student's chosen teaching field.

The student should consult his or her advisor regarding the choice of specific courses.

Secondary English or Language Arts emphasis students should take all of the literature electives: EN 211, EN 212, and EN 221.

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Learn how our faculty mentor for ministry


Susannah Dornan, M.Ed.

Mrs. Susannah Dornan earned a degree in Bible and Elementary Education from IBCS and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Grand Canyon University. She was honored as Teacher of the Year by the Arizona Council for Private Education in 2014 and by her administration and co-workers in 2015. She has been teaching for over 15 years.

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