Grant Hague | Stories of Impact | IBCS
Student - Bible and Christian Service - Missions

Grant Hague

“The faculty are definitely invested in my spiritual growth. They take the initiative to mentor me and help me grow.”

A Desire for Missions

When the of gospel of Jesus Christ changes your life, it changes everything — affections, motivations, and desires. It can also change the direction of your life. When Grant was 19 years old, he joined the Army and was stationed in Washington state. When he got out of the military, he ended up staying and going to school at a university in Washington. It was there that he came to know Jesus as his Savior — and then everything began to change, or what Grant describes as a redirection in his life. And that included a move back to his family in Arizona.

“I came to realize much of what I was pursuing was for the wrong reasons.” Specific scriptures took on new meaning and really came to life for Grant, scriptures like Philippians 3, where Paul counted all things as loss for the sake of knowing Christ. “That really convicted me,” recounts Grant, “and I came to understand the Truth and I wanted to pursue it. I wanted to serve the Lord for the rest of my life because it is the highest calling I can have to be able to spread the gospel to other people so they can be transformed as I was.”

Grant knew that he needed more training. Reading the Bible was his greatest joy and became alive in his life. “I was so hungry to learn more, and I wanted a place that could teach me Biblical truth as well as sound doctrine and good theology.” 

But where could he go?

Grant googled “Bible colleges in Arizona” and International Bible College and Seminary was one of the options that caught Grant’s interest. “I saw that it was a smaller college, and I liked that as compared to some of the other colleges that I reviewed.” Grant had never even heard of IBCS, but God prompted him to make a visit, and the first person he met was Pastor Scott Olson who leads the recruiting at IBCS. Pastor Scott took the time to meet with Grant, answer his questions, and show him around the campus. 

And the rest, as they say, is history. Grant began his education just weeks later, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Christian Service with an emphasis in Missions. 

Grant’s experience with IBCS has been just the growth he was looking for. Tri-City Baptist Church, the local ministry tied to IBCS, has given Grant an extension of ministry to put to use what he is learning in the classroom. From his Biblical theology and doctrine courses to more practical topics such as mentoring and developing his spiritual gifts, Grant has experienced an integrated approach to his learning. 

Grant believes the greatest contribution of IBCS to his preparation for ministry is all the varied opportunities that the college provides for its students, both on campus and in his local church. One of the most impactful avenues for Grant is visiting one of the area universities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with other college students, many of whom are from other countries. “Basically, it is a mission field in our own backyard,” says Grant. “I’m a missions major, but I don’t have to wait to go to the field. I can proclaim the Gospel while I am getting my college degree.” 

Beyond his academics, the greatest source of influence for Grant is the faculty and staff who are investing in his life. “The faculty are definitely interested in my spiritual growth. They take the initiative to mentor me and help me to grow spiritually.” He finds the IBCS staff willing and available to help with difficult situations in life or school. “It’s been great to be able to have several different relationships that provide opportunities to ask any questions that I have, whether they are questions from the Bible, practical questions, areas of spiritual struggle, or challenges in life.” He is amazed at the knowledge of the faculty and staff and their spiritual maturity. “It’s like a greenhouse for spiritual growth where you are soaking in everything and then finding new opportunities for growth in your life.”

Grant has found IBCS to be a college dedicated to the Word of God and teaching its students Biblical truths. Wherever God’s destination is for Grant, whether that is serving in ministry, with families, or in the local church, “we are able to have convictions from the truths that are found in God’s Word and have the experience of serving in the local church.” And he believes this is just the fit that he needs.

My Mentor

“The heart - that's where ministry begins! 
Honoring God & knowing God while serving others; Edifying the body through example, encouragement, & exhortation: Alertness to the needs of others in the body of Christ; Responsiveness to the Great Commission & sensitivity to the Holy Spirit; Teachable in attitude and receptivity from the Word of God”

Pastor Randy Hernández, M.A.Min.
Hispanic Ministries Pastor,
Tri-City Baptist Church

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